Friday, November 20, 2009

Raven McMakkelson

it was not only Shigeru Miyamoto's birthday November 16th - creator of Donkey Kong, Link, and many other cool things that have enhanced the level of joy experienced in children's hearts across the earth, but it was also my BROTHER'S birthday!! and he's definitely something no nintendo suppliment could ever come close to replacing. words wouldn't do justice to express what i feel for this guy, so here are some birthday pictures i made!


"Raven McMakkelson"
heh.. i imagine some strange post-apocolyptic type RPG with people using biker gang summoning abilities, chain swords, and saving their progress at garbage cans turned into make-shift bonfires. this would be a screenshot of you equiping one of the various weapons you find during gameplay.

if you go through my nifty slideshow, you can see the before/after of this picture, as well as another one i did of him as the joker a while back. the knife was all his idea.

also, just finished up some non-birthday related thing i thought i'd throw up here too.

"Personal Geography"

also, we (as in the Shiseikai Karate club at BYU) got to put on a fun demonstration at UVU the other night as part of their culture night. really fun stuff - i'm hoping to get my hands on a video or something.

other things worthy of note:
-my car died a bunch of times (it appears to be working fine by the grace of God, for the moment) ergo, i've had some good fun skateboarding to school.
-i've made some good friends with the grounds keeper people on campus by walking on the grass, even after they suggested i use the sidewalk instead. name calling insued. according to this passionate and avid supporter of grass, i'm a "moron." i still think it was pretty smart of me to walk on the grass.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Stained for Life...

before i get to the gross stuff - have some pictures!

made a promise to myself to doing at least 2 Earthbound pictures this year - finally knocked out number 2! sort of a companion piece to this one.

finally got around to finishing one of the many drawings that came out of my Lord of the Rings marathon about a year ago... !
i thought it'd be cool to write my name out using some runes - as it turns out, in real life there are LOOOOTS of different kinds of runes - luckily Tolkien made up his own, so there aren't as many - and i found this cool runic translator thing. check it out.
from all the unnecesarry nerd-like research i did last night, it seems pretty legit.
sometimes i wish i was nerd-core enough that i knew the runic alphabet, but i usually try and keep my contact between hobbits, dwarfs, and other races that don't exist in real life to a minimum.

kay. time for some nasty pictures.. not that nasty, really. but about 4 months ago (jul. 18, 2009) a day that will live in infamy - i was a victim of a drive-by shooting, à la paintball. only one hit me, but it was my drawing hand covering my face..

"day 1"
kept oozing blood, wasn't sure what was paint, what was blood, or if paint had been injected into deeper surfaces of my body...

"day 2"this one's a few days later, i think.

"when the scab came off.. WEEKS later"

AAAAND here's the best part.
"4 MONTHS later"

so far it's looking like i'm stained for life.. cool huh.
victimized and marked by the act of stupidity.
could be worse.

i think what got to me the most was the shooters (most likely) didn't even know who i was.
i guess the real lesson here is hatred, pride, stupidity and things like that are always out there to mess with you - not caring who you are, and the more you become possessed by these things, the less likely you'll care about other people too.