Monday, May 27, 2013


is now officially part of Mutant Mondays!! ...they grow up so fast. *sniff*

"He once bested a great wizard with a single 'yo mamma' joke.  Sorcerers and Enchantresses of the dark arts fell to their knees with his sharp comebacks and stinging whit.  Only equal to the power of his mouth was his might and skill with a blade - until one fateful day he was cursed by a very powerful and pissed-off pixie.  Now he wanders the realms mouthier and mightier than ever, known only as.. MIGHTY MOUTH!!"

go check out the rest of the mutants over there.  for they are RAD.

been a little silent as of late on the inter-verse..  a freelance job doing character designs fell from HEAVEN right into my lap.  which is cool, because i needed money/a source of income/looking for jobs can really suck sometimes.  next couple of months should be interesting...  (more interesting than your usual kind of interesting.. that's not cryptic at all, right?  haha..)