Friday, October 19, 2012

what happens when you.....

order Mariachi-Dachi (for 15 bucks - includes shipping and everything) directly from me???
something like this gets drawn on the inside:

did i mention you can specify what you want drawn in the interior???????
"but Kevin...."  you say, "I don't even know HOW I'm supposed to order your dumb comic that I want really bad, directly from you."

to which i then refer you to my e-mail address: ""
to which you may send an inquiry.
Shortly thereafter you then receive an incredibly professional invoice via paypal.  upon paying full amount, you then receive said dumb comic that you badly desire within 2-9 business days.

you might ask, "well that's all cool, Kevin....  but I already have your stupid cool comic.  when's the next one coming?  what are you doing???!!?!?  MAKE MOAR DUMB COOL STUPID FRESH COMIX FOR MEEEEE!!!"

Mariachi-Dachi VOLUME TWO:  will happen.  EPIC things have been planned.  lots of things depend on when it will happen.  may have to wait awhile.  may not.

moar comix, you say???  i've narrowed down a few stories i may pursue.
if you haven't yet, you should meet my good friend...   BATTLECATTLE: